Abstract Submission


The abstract submission process is handled via the DISCRETE18 indico page hosted by CERN:

DISCRETE18 indico page

For the abstract submission a CERN account is required. In case you do not have a CERN account you can open a:

CERN Lightweight account


Abstract Submission on indico:


After giving the title and content of your abstract, as well as selecting the type of your contribution, please note the following things for the declaration of the authors:


1) Please do not forget to provide information about the affiliation and also an e-mail adress for the speaker:



2) If you want to provide a collaboration statement, maybe to shorten your author list, please do so by entering an author manually in the following way:


The name of your collaboration takes the place of the family name, the phrase "on behalf of the" is inserted as the first name.


If you have any further questions, please contact the local organizing committee via: discrete2018@oeaw.ac.at